Auditor - Controller - County Clerk

Aimee X. Espinoza

1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301-4639

Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mon-Fri 661-868-3599

Sample Bill Calculations / Payment Distribution

Owner(s) of record as of January 1st each year are billed on secured property for the fiscal year beginning July 1st. ("Secured" indicates that the property secures payment of taxes - the property may be sold in five years at a tax sale to pay unpaid taxes.)
The example used is based on an event date of 3/1/97, new construction (or change of ownership). The month following the event date the new owner owes taxes. Events during the first six months of a calendar year are billed in two components: one for the remainder of the current fiscal year and one for the following fiscal year because the increase in assessed value has not been reflected on either tax bill.